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Mobile Marketing Guide

Did you know that over 80% of internet searches are done online?



Heck, there is a very high chance that you are reading this from a mobile device.

A report by Salesforce indicated that "68% of companies have integrated mobile marketing into their overall marketing strategy" https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/mobile-marketing-statistics

So, if you haven't implemented some type of mobile advertising into your marketing campaigns, then you may be lagging behind.

But, don't worry.

This article will provide you with everything you need to know in order for you to develop an awesome mobile marketing strategy.

What is Mobile Marketing?

Mobile marketing is about making your business look appealing to mobile device users.

That includes smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices.

You can place ads through social media channels, apps and websites.

A good mobile marketing strategy will allow your business to reach a wider audience. A survey done by Code Computerlove showed that the average screen time for the UK is 3 hours and 23 minutes a day.

(https://www.thedrum.com/news/2... Use Mobile Marketing?

With people checking their email, making purchases, browsing websites on their phones, and so on.

Mobile phones are changing the way customers engage.

This means in order for you to target your audience, you need to place yourself where your customers are - and that's on the go.

Let's put it into a little perspective for you. Here are five reasons why mobile marketing is important.

Reach. What is the first thing you check in the morning? I'm guessing it is your phone. The same goes for most people, and they keep it with them throughout the day.

Personalised. Mobile devices are personal so when you connect with your customer through it, you are basically in the same category as their family and friends.

Instant. Research has shown that SMS marketing has a 98% open rate and people open a text message within three minutes of receiving it. (https://mobilemarketingwatch.c... loyalty. Customers will trust you more if you can provide them with a good mobile experience. People develop a nice opinion when they don't face any issues visiting your website through their mobile devices.

Cost-effective. Many marketers overlook mobile marketing because they think it is too expensive. In fact, in comparison to other marketing techniques, it can be more cost-effective.

Tips on How to Get Mobile Targeting Right

There is no point in doing mobile marketing, or any type of marketing for that matter if you are not going to target the right people.

Make your website mobile-friendly. That is the first thing you should do before you implement your marketing strategy. Because a user is most likely going to buy through their mobile device.

Create content based on location. Make sure your content is high-quality but, more importantly, make sure it is appropriate for the location you are targeting. For example, if you are in the UK, trying to target the US market there is no point in including statistics from the UK.

Use SMS text. A text message will always deliver no matter what. Unlike emails that can go unread for days.

Make it personal. Showing your customers that you actually care about them and not their wallet, they will turn into long-term customers.

Use multi-channel campaigns. A good marketer should always combine multiple marketing channels. Not only do they complement each other, but they also increase customer engagement.

Create QR codes. If you want to take your mobile marketing to the next level, then you should look into creating QR codes. QR stands for "quick response." The codes store data which can be transferred quickly and digitally improving your customer's overall experience.

Ask for customer feedback. Sure, you will get data from your analytics about your customer. However, the best way to get to know your customer is by asking them directly! You can create surveys, questionnaires and ask for feedback. Be active, responsive and let your customers know that their voices are being heard.

Mobile Marketing Tools

To boost your eCommerce marketing, here are three mobile marketing tools to help get you started.

AdMob - an app by Google designed for in-app advertising

GetResponse - a brilliant platform to help you with your marketing strategy

SEMrush - gives you info about traffic, SEO, and lead generation

Final Thoughts

You should make mobile marketing the heart of your strategy. Now, more than ever is the time so do mobile targeting. Do your research, design and perfect your marketing materials and sales funnel, stay on top of the latest mobile marketing strategies and watch your business thrive.