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How Essential Oils Can Help With Your Mental Health

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We when we talk about "health" we often associate it with being physical.

But, mental health is just as important

Most aspects of our lives are affected by emotional health. Whether it is to do with decision making, how we react to situations, and how we interact with others.

Heck, we have all been faced with trying times and stressful situations.

Looking after your mental wellbeing should be a priority and nothing to be ashamed of. 

Aromatherapy, a holistic treatment that uses essential oils, has been used for both physical and mental ailments for centuries.

Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that are used for many medicinal purposes. Usually, they are used in aromatherapy therapy treatments and can be inhaled or absorbed into the skin.

If you are looking for natural remedies to help with your mental wellbeing, essentials oils may be a great choice.

Here's why...

What Are Essential Oils?

As mentioned earlier, essential oils are concentrated plant extracts. The holistic method of aromatherapy using essential oils is used to help improve your mood, as well as your physical and mental wellbeing.

With aromatherapy, essential oils are usually inhaled through the nose or mouth, or a massaged onto the skin.

How Can They Help?

When a person is struggling with mental health, they often experience some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Anxiety
  • Despair
  • Sadness
  • Problems with concentration
  • Difficulty with sleep

The limbic system in our brains plays a vital role in controlling behaviour, memory, emotions and mood.

When essential oils are inhaled they stimulate certain areas of the brain. Alternatively, when the oils are absorbed into the skin the chemicals interact with your body once they enter the bloodstream and promote relaxation.

Which Oils May Help?

There are dozens of essential oils available on the market and some may help more than others.

Again, this varies from person to person.

Having said that, here is a list of essential oils that many have reported being effective.


Valued for its calming effects. The floral scent of lavender may help to relieve anxiety, decrease stress, promote relaxation and improve mood.


This citrus essential oil has been known to lessen anxiety. It can be both calming and uplifting which is why it is widely used in aromatherapy treatments.


This Japanese essential oil is often touted for its natural stress relief ability.

According to a small study, just ten minutes of inhaling yuzu essential oil found to decrease negative emotional stress.


The sweet yet spicy aroma of neroli essential oils is used in aromatherapy to ease anxiety.

Interestingly, neroli is used as a sedative in some health centres across the world.

Neroli essential oils have also been used to help alleviate symptoms of menopause and PMS.

Other Oils

You may have to go through a trial and error period to see which essential oil works best for you. As everybody is different, what might work for others won't necessarily work for you.

Regardless, all essential oils have calming properties. Here are a few more essential oils to consider:





Ylang Ylang



Rose otto



The Bottom Line

If you have never used essential oils before, an aromatherapist will be able to guide you on how to best incorporate your essential oils into your health routine.

It is imperative to look after yourself in order to make the most out of your life. Making little changes like using essentials oils can have a profound positive effect on your mental wellbeing. Plus, it can be a perfect excuse you book in that weekly massage.